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Digia office | Atomitie 2 A, 00370 Helsinki

Digia x Mulesoft Meetup

Join us for MuleSoft technology meetup at Digia's office in Helsinki!

This event provided expert insight on new integration & API trends, as well as a deep dive to Digia x MuleSoft by Salesforce.

Tune in on specialist presentations by experts from MuleSoft and Digia.

Digia is a leading integration & API provider in the Nordics, and a strategic partner for MuleSoft by Salesforce
The meetup was intended for all IT decision makers utilizing or planning to utilize MuleSoft integration platform, as well as specialists and architects developing solutions with MuleSoft technologies.

When it comes to integration, it’s not just about connecting the dots — it’s about connecting the people.

The event was great, thank you all for attending the event!

Program & schedule

How MuleSoft support Nordic society and business to transform — Teemu Salovaara, Partner Sales Manager, Salesforce
In this presentation we’ll cover the role of the modern integration and API platform in the business transformation and how MuleSoft is positioned to support our customers on the transformation journey.

Presentation includes customer examples from the Nordic countries and acts as an intro to the following more technical presentations.

MuleSoft Deep Dive: Towards composable architecture — Björn Hilgen, Channel Architect, Salesforce
In an increasingly unstable and unpredictable world there is an existential need for agility and being able to constantly adapt to unpredictable changes. This is where composability becomes key in the enterprise to support being more adaptable and agile at scale. MuleSoft is the only platform built for composability, but what does that mean?

MuleSoft technology showcase: Einstein AI, IDP and API Experience Hub — Vesa Kukkonen, Client Solution Engineer, Salesforce
In this session, we take a quick look at some of the latest innovations by MuleSoft. Get a sneak peek at upcoming AI capabilities in integration development and document processing. Learn how to easily build personalized developer portals for APIs.

Registration & snacks

16:30 - 16:45
Welcome words & Integration trends

Jonas Källström, Chief Integration Architect, Digia Plc

16:45 - 17:10
How MuleSoft support Nordic society and business to transform

Teemu Salovaara, Partner Sales Manager, Salesforce

17:15 - 17:30
MuleSoft Deep Dive: Towards composable architecture

Björn Hilgen, Channel Architect, Salesforce

17:35 - 18:00
Coffee break

18:00 - 18:15
MuleSoft technology showcase: Einstein AI + API Experience Hub

Vesa Kukkonen, Client Solution Engineer, Salesforce

18:15 - 18:40
Wrap up, Q&A

18:45 - 19:15
Networking and refreshments

19:15 - 20:00
Meetup ends

20:30 - 20:30


Jonas Källström

Digia Plc

Teemu Salovaara


Björn Hilgen

Björn Hilgen_1x1

Vesa Kukkonen
